Hey Girls! secrets of a wild child
Cover: Jessie Andrews photographed by Dirk Mai
release: September 2014
1000 copies limited
136 pages, 21.8 cm x 27.6 cm x 0,9cm
paperback / english / Offset printing Austria / Ad-Free /
contents: exclusive editorials, interviews / stories by:
Cameron Hammond / Cameron Henderson / Chris Steinbach
Dana Boulos / Inny Taylor x Carla Tramullas / JAI / Jared S. Rosenbaum / Jessie Andrews x Dirk Mai / Jessy Lanza / Josh Reed Michael Dürr / Miko Lim / Nancy Gomez alias Frankie Mark / Obiwolf / Henrik Purienne / Zachary Chick
It´s about time for an issue to be entirely dedicated to women.
After all C-Heads has mainly been made by women since it began. An issue full of images, thoughts and conversations.
About freedom, dreams, sex and life. Us women can be anything we want to be. Naughty. Tender. Happy. Melancholiac.
Complicated. Wild. Dreamy. Realistic. Natural.
A beautiful mysterious nature. And always unique.
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